What do you mean by Network Operating System? Describe its Features.


What do you mean by Network Operating System? Describe its Features.


Network Operating System is an operating system that includes special functions for connecting computers and devices into a local-area network (LAN) or  Inter-network. Short form of Network Operating system is NOS. Some popular network  operating systems are Novell Netware, Windows NT/2000, Linux, Sun Solaris, UNIX, and IBM OS/2. The network operating system which was first developed is Novell Netware. It was developed in 1983. An operating system that provides the connectivity among a number of autonomous computers is called a network operating system.

Some of the features of Network Operating System are:

1. It allows multiple computers to connect so that they can share data, files and hardware devices. 

2. It Provide basic operating system features such as support for processors, protocols, automatic hardware detection etc. 

3. It Provide security features such as authentication, logon restrictions and access control. 

4. It Provides file, print, web services and back-up services. 

5. User management and support for logon and logoff, remote access; system management, administration and auditing tools with graphical interfaces. 

6. It has internetworking features. Example: Routing.

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